How To Tie a Windsor Shoelace Knot
August 29 2019
It was said that the Duke of Windsor was taught to tie his shoe laces in this particular way by ...

How To Get A Mirror Shine On Your Shoes
August 29 2019
A question I get asked very frequently is ‘how do I get the mirror-like shine on my shoes?’.

How To Clean, Shine And Protect Your Patent Shoes
August 29 2019
Patent leather shoes are a necessary part of any tuxedo ensemble and can dress up and add elegan...

How To Clean And Protect Suede And Nubuck Shoes
August 29 2019
People never really did figure out why Elvis didn’t want anyone to step on his blue suede shoes b...

How To Shine Shoes and Boots
August 29 2019
Follow our simple, step-by-step guide to get a perfect shine every time.
Using either a hard boa...